(7) The chairperson shall be in full charge of the licensed gaming event, supervise and direct all workers, and be responsible for assuring the proper receipting, recording, and depositing of all money derived from the conduct of the licensed gaming event. (6) The chairperson shall be readily identifiable to all bingo players at the game by wearing a name badge with the word 'Chairperson' followed by the name of the licensee and the chairperson's name. (5) The chairperson shall be present on the premises continuously during the sale ofīingo cards, charity game tickets, and during all bingo games. (4) The chairperson shall be familiar with the act, these rules, terms of probation, and directives of the bureau. (3) The chairperson shall be listed on the license application. (2) The chairperson is a worker who shall be a bona fide member of the qualified organization for at least 6 months. (1) The officers of the qualified organization shall designate at least 1 chairperson to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct of the licensed gaming event in accordance with the act, these rules, terms of probation, and directives of the bureau.